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EHiN 2023

If you are interested in more information about STASISM , then you can contact us at or directly with Kjetil at

If you are interested in our presentation, then you can find it >> here <<

Below are some of the research related to STASISM.

1. Group-based interventions improve health-related outcomes 

In STASISM, we have several opportunities to facilitate the social functioning of our players. Between their activities, participants can chat with each other, interact in the virtual world called Similand, and play games in cooperative and PVP mode with family and friends.


General population (experimental trial): integrated group-based intervention program contributed to comprehensive improvement in health-related outcomes in total of 398 participants.

Gu M, Wang Y, Shi Y et al. Impact of a group-based intervention program on physical activity and health-related outcomes in worksite settings. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(935). 

Parkinson disease (experimental trial): the current study suggests possible benefits of a group-based program among participants with PD for a variety areas of functioning.

Parveen S. Group-based intervention of participants with Parkinson disease: Findings from a 6-month LOUD Crowd® program. Clin Arch Commun Disord. 2020;5 (2): 96-105. 

Cerebral palsy (experimental trial): a collaborative intervention was effective to improve functional performance in young people with cerebral palsy

Sousa LK, Brandão MB, Curtin CM, Magalhães LC. A Collaborative and Cognitive-based Intervention for Young People with Cerebral Palsy. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2020;87(4):319-330.

2. Repeated movements

In terms of musculoskeletal disorders, neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to reorganize, can be stimulated by multiple repeated movements. STASISM users can focus on improving their affected movement pattern in a safe, controlled environment with ongoing live feedback.

Stroke (experimental trial): : a lack of consistent therapy can be the main reason why patients remain at the same level of disability five years after a stroke episode.

Meyer S, Verheyden G, Brinkmann N, et al. Functional and motor outcome 5 years after stroke is equivalent to outcome at 2 months: follow-up of the collaborative evaluation of rehabilitation in stroke across Europe. Stroke. 2015;46(6):1613-1619. 

3. Motivation

Performance is much better when motivation is used during the rehabilitation process, both for adult and pediatric populations. We used different approaches to increase the engagement of our users: coins that can be spent on platform features, various rewards, and scenarios of serious games.

General information (book chapter): “ becomes very evident that a great deal of effort and cooperation is required of the patient. Motivation, therefore, is a very important factor in achieving successful rehabilitation…”

Mutchnick, M.G. (1988). The Role of Motivation in Rehabilitation. In: Williams, J.M., Long, C.J. (eds) Cognitive Approaches to Neuropsychology. Human Neuropsychology. Springer, Boston, MA.

4. Therapeutic control

It doesn’t matter whether the platform is used in the clinical or home settings— clinicians can access every therapeutic session and give the patient feedback on their performance. 

Home-based, remote-clinical-controlled intervention was superior compared to standard PT (experimental study): A total of 135 consecutive total knee arthroplasty  patients receiving standard therapy protocol were compared to 135 consecutive patients receiving a home-based clinician-controlled therapy system (HCTS).

Summers SH, Nunley RM, Slotkin EM. A Home-Based, Remote-Clinician-Controlled, Physical Therapy Device Leads to Superior Outcomes When Compared to Standard Physical Therapy for Rehabilitation After Total Knee Arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty. 2023;38(3):497-501.

5. Patient-based approach

During the development of the STASISM platform, we use the continuous feedback of the end-users: patients and their families. We consider their comments and preferences and release the updates of the platform in our pilot cites to gather more important information for improvement.

Patient engagement in exercise rehabilitation (review). Conclusion of the review: Prescribing exercises within a rehabilitation program need to discuss with the patients and co-design the exercise rehabilitation program in partnership with the patient, since this is likely to improve patient engagement, and thereby result in superior health outcomes. 

Teo JL, Zheng Z & Bird SR. Identifying the factors affecting ‘patient engagement’ in exercise rehabilitation. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil 2022;14(18).

6. Multidisciplinary team

STASISM started as a pan-European multidisciplinary, international project, and we used the experience of professionals from different fields and cultural contexts to make the platform suitable for diverse populations.

Multidisciplinary team care in rehabilitation: an overview of reviews: Conclusion of the review: Rehabilitation team care effectively improves rehabilitation intervention.

Momsen AM, Rasmussen JO, Nielsen CV, et al Multidisciplinary team care in rehabilitation: an overview of reviews. J Rehabil Med. 2012;44(11):901-912.

7 . Cost-effective and sustainable solutions

Our goal in STASISM is the accessible technology that can be used in different economic and resource settings. The hardware required for STASISM is affordable and easy to use.

Costs and effects of telerehabilitation in neurological and cardiological diseases: A systematic review: Conclusion of the review: Telerehabilitation seems to be as clinical and cost-effective as traditional rehabilitation, even if, generally, telerehabilitation is less costly. 

Del Pino R, Díez-Cirarda M, Ustarroz-Aguirre, et al. Costs and effects of telerehabilitation in neurological and cardiological diseases: A systematic review. Frontiers in medicine. 2022;9(832229). 

Environmental impact of telerehabilitation visits in an urban setting (review): The use of telerehabilitation should be an integral part of decreasing the carbon footprint of provision of physical medicine and rehabilitation services.

Iaccarino MA, Paganoni S, Tendorde A, et al. Environmental impact of telerehabilitation visits in an urban setting. The Journal of Climate Change and Health. 2022;8(100150).

8. Balance improved in children using the STASISM games

Kachmar, O., Kushnir, A., Fedchyshyn, B., Cristiano, J., O'Flaherty, J., Helland, K., Johnson, G., & Puig, D. (2021). Personalized balance games for children with cerebral palsy: A pilot study. Journal of pediatric rehabilitation medicine, 14(2), 237–245.