The European Disability Forum is advocating for the interests of 100 million persons with disabilities in Europe. It is one of the organisations that help with inequality, lack of opportunities, and an engine for other organisations in this field worlwide. We had the pleasure of taking part in the European Disability Forum 2022 #EDS2022
European Disability Forum 2022 – Encounters and Hopes

We’ve had the pleasure to make a connection, even though virtually, with so many members of important associations working with CP and disability in general. There were representatives from every country in the world, that work with disabled people or provide care, help or other services. And it was a delight to see so many of them gathered together under one goal, that of cooperation.

EDF put all of this together, and what’s interesting is that it’s an NGO that is run by persons with disabilities. The purpose is to bring together people with disabilities from all over the world and help them connect, in order to create more powerful projects.
Our encounters yesterday in the meetings, even though brief and to the point, showed us that there is work being done in the field of disability every single day. And that together we advance ideas, innovations, opportunities to those who need them. We are feeling hopeful that we do bring a positive change. And through Stasism, this is exactly our aim.

Stasism: Powerful Changes For People with Cerebral Palsy
Changing lives of people with cerebral palsy, one day at a time, this is what we are aiming to do. Therapy through play is important for the wellbeing of kids and young adults dealing with this condition. We have created the first platform of its kind that improves coordination and posture through the help of video games. This is a revolutionary way of doing therapy, in a fun way, together with friends and family.
Stasism bring together everyone to play, enjoy and go on adventures together, all in the confort of owns’ home. The platform offers you the possibility to select different therapy goals, and the more you play, the more you add onto your journey. The game is entirely personalized as well, meaning that each individual plays according to their skills and needs. The games adjusts to you. This has never been done before. And it’s already in beta testing across pilot centers in Europe. Soon, it will be available in every household.
If you want to know more about it, feel free to check out our Blog section or write to us anytime!
Stasism is a revolutionary new social online platform with therapeutic physical video games made exclusively for people with Cerebral Palsy. The first of its kind, delivering a constant stream of new and exciting games, characters, features and much more, leading to a happier childhood. Discover how.
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