One in 323 children are born with cerebral palsy, a neurological disorder that affects movement and coordination. For many of these children, cerebral palsy means a life of disability and dependence. But there is hope. There are treatments and therapies that can help improve the quality of these kids’ lives. This post will explore some of the best ways to better the lives of children with cerebral palsy. So read on for tips on how to help your child live their best life possible!
Cerebral Palsy Therapies

There are a wide variety of treatments and therapies for cerebral palsy available to improve the quality of life for people born with cerebral palsy. Treatments revolve around various types of physical therapy, surgical procedures according to each case and other treatments.
Cerebral palsy can impact a child’s ability to move, learn, and communicate. However, with the help of various therapies, children can often make great strides in their development.
Speech therapy is one of the forms of treatment for cerebral palsy. Since cerebral palsy impacts motor skills, it often interferes with one’s ability to speak clearly. Speech therapy can help cerebral palsy patients improve their speech and verbal communication.
If you are the parent of a child who has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy or if you suspect that your child may have this condition, it is advisable you seek out the help of an occupational therapist. OTs can provide your child with the tools they need to grow and thrive.
Parents can also help by encouraging physical exercise, thus also aiding to prevent secondary cerebral palsy conditions such as obesity and malnutrition, and having your child participate in social activities. Social acceptance is very important for self-esteem, so encourage them to engage with others!
All of these cerebral palsy treatments are meant to improve quality of life for cerebral palsy patients. And it’s true that cerebral palsy often leads to a lifetime of disability but there are things you can do to make living with cerebral palsy easier! One of them is therapy through play and you will find out below some of the reasons for it.
Revolutionary therapy for cerebral palsy: Video games

Physical therapy is another cerebral palsy treatment that can greatly impact the everyday life of cerebral palsy sufferers. Physical therapists often work with brain injured patients and they design programs meant to increase the patient’s range of motion and control over their muscles and motor functions.
It has been proven that playing video games greatly increases their motivation and fun to perform the therapy. Using video games is a driving force for kids with CP. It motivates them daily and helping them improve their coordination skills at the same time.
It’s the first time that people with cerebral palsy have the chance to laugh, play, socialize and make friends. Our physical therapy video games are not only fun and engaging, but they’re also effective in helping kids improve their motor skills.
With Stasism, you can be sure that your child is getting the best possible care. We work hard to make our games as fun and motivating as possible, so your child will look forward to their therapy sessions. And because our games are available on any computer, they can be played anywhere and at any time.
Sign up now to be notified when our video games therapy for cerebral palsy become available. We are excited to share this new development with you and look forward to helping more people with cerebral palsy live fuller lives. Stay tuned for updates!
Stasism is a revolutionary new social online platform with therapeutic physical video games made exclusively for people with Cerebral Palsy. The first of its kind, delivering a constant stream of new and exciting games, characters, features and much more, leading to a happier childhood. Discover how.