Spastic hemiplegia: what it means and how it’s treated

Our fascination towards pushing our body to the edge and seeing where it can go has never ceased. We look up to people who have made it further than us, and who have gone through challenges hard to imagine. In…
In our corner of content on cerebral palsy and Stasism games, we want to answer all of your questions, as well as cover as much as possible on cerebral palsy and its encompassing elements. Therefore this time we want to…
Copyright: A while ago we were delighted to share the news on our socials that Nike had paired up with Matthew, a young teenager with cerebral palsy, to create the first shoes that are hands-free. Now we got even…
We dedicate this section of our website to offering useful information on cerebral palsy and its related topics, as well as questions asked by some of you. This time we want to have a closer look into the progressiveness or…
Cerebral palsy and intelligence: effects? Once you receive the diagnosis of cerebral palsy, a whirlwind of questions arises in your mind. It’s not easy, it can be overwhelming and it can leave you thinking where this will lead to. Cerebral…
Cerebral palsy is generally caused by damage to parts of the brain, especially the ones that control movement and posture. The brain damage varies from an extent to the other and it can lead to several issues of movement, hearing,…
Cerebral palsy covid vaccine Covid has taken over the vast majority of the news and of our lives in the past year and a half. And it’s completely natural that more and more questions pop in our minds with every…
Meet Olivia Breen, The double Paralympic world champion with cerebral palsy This time of the year is particularly exciting for people from all over the world as the Olmypic Games are happening in Tokyo. Even though under a different scenario,…
Cerebral palsy is a term known to describe a group of disorders that affect someones’ ability to move and maintain balance. It’s a common condition that affects approximately 1 child in 1000 births worldwide. But when someone famous such as…
Meet Sibusiso Vilane, the man who helped a girl with cerebral palsy climb mount Kilimanjaro Surprising stories are what makes life so inspiring, they’re what pulls us out of our daily routine and leave us to believe that anything is…
As children, we all enjoy playing, having fun, and making the most of every little game we play, be it with our friends and family or online. Play is an essential factor in one’s life and it helps children grow…
In our series of video interviews with people with cerebral palsy, we have the chance to sit down with some amazing, inspiring people who are chasing their passions and changing lives in the process. This time we invited Cassandra Davis,…
Role models inspire people to be extraordinary and show us that anything is possible when you have a strong will and determination. People tend to gather courage and power from others around them who manage to go after their dreams.…
Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that affects movement and coordination and sometimes it can prove difficult to perform certain tasks. When things get hard, it really helps using real life stories of people with cerebral palsy and turning them…
March is cerebral palsy awareness month. Besides other celebrations, including spring’s first signs of life, this is an important month for us as we support this international month for cerebral palsy. What is cerebral palsy awareness month? Now you might…
Once you get the diagnosis of your child, a whirlwind of questions can take over your days and nights. It’s not something easy, and it’s definitely something that you would never like to hear. However, we’re here to provide a…
One of the most common searched topics around the world right now is the COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccines have been authorised and rolled out in a variety of countries starting December 2020. As the pandemic continued to ripple across the world,…
What to gift kids with cerebral palsy The holidays are just around the corner, and we want to make sure we’re ready to welcome them with open arms and a lot of gifts. It’s not an easy task finding a…
Growth through play for teens with cerebral palsy An introduction to Stasism, a new digital medium for physical therapy and fun. Making use of technology to develop a platform for youth with cerebral palsy that transforms physical exercise into joy,…
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurological condition triggered by brain damage and is the most common movement disability in children. Cerebral palsy is a non-progressive chronic disease that occurs in the early stages while the embryo is developing in the…