Fostering Inclusivity and Fairness

The Significance of Classification in Cerebral Palsy Football Cerebral Palsy Football, also known as CP Football, is a captivating sport that provides individuals with cerebral palsy the opportunity to showcase their skills and compete at various levels. It is a…

Like mother, Like daughter

A story of a mother with a daughter with Cerebral Palsy. Complications in childbirth and the diagnosis. Of course, when she started telling me their story, I immediately realized that I had not understood and I would never fully understand.…

On the road to fulfilling his dreams

Volodia, a 9-year-old boy from Ukraine, improves his Cerebral Palsy Through Video Games. Volodia never asked his parents why at the age of 9, he could not walk without help. He never asked why his little friends were playing, running,…

Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month 2022

This march we celebrate Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month. We want to share with you useful information, as well as events that are happening around the world related to this. About Cerebral Palsy Cerebral palsy is a term used to describe…

European Disability Forum

The European Disability Forum is advocating for the interests of 100 million persons with disabilities in Europe. It is one of the organisations that help with inequality, lack of opportunities, and an engine for other organisations in this field worlwide.…

The Game Dev Meetup

Games, games, games and a lot of talent in the room, that’s what we are used to and this time it was no exception. We got to attend a really cool event last month, where one of our game developers…

Therapy through play. Cerebral palsy.

Therapists, parents and caretakers have long wanted to incorporate something really fun into their day to day interaction with children with cerebral palsy. Now this is possible. With Stasism. Understanding how Play Improves the Wellbeing of your Child The concept…

World Cerebral Palsy Day

It is here! After our Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month, we celebrate World Cerebral Palsy Day. We are happy to see all over social media the hashtag dedicated to this and what’s more, the stories of people who are dealing with…

Cerebral Palsy Covid Vaccine

Cerebral palsy covid vaccine Covid has taken over the vast majority of the news and of our lives in the past year and a half. And it’s completely natural that more and more questions pop in our minds with every…

Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month

March is cerebral palsy awareness month. Besides other celebrations, including spring’s first signs of life, this is an important month for us  as we support this international month for cerebral palsy. What is cerebral palsy awareness month? Now you might…

An introduction to Stasism

Growth through play for teens with cerebral palsy An introduction to Stasism, a new digital medium for physical therapy and fun. Making use of technology to develop a platform for youth with cerebral palsy that transforms physical exercise into joy,…